With their jointly developed and co-ordinated national dance-promotion programme, the Umbrella Association for Dance in Germany, the non-profit cultural organisation Diehl+Ritter and Joint Adventures / National Performance Network are part of the Neustart Kultur rescue and future-support programme launched by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The €20 million support programme for the German dance scene has been aligned with new and existing federal and regional funding initiatives in such a way that the programmes complement each other and avoid overcompensation. The concept envisages the implementation of three columns: TANZPAKT RECONNECT, to strengthen dance structures and secure them for the future; DIS-TANZEN, a promotion programme for freelance creative-dance artists as well as impulse funding for dance schools and dance education in cultural institutions; and NPN – STEPPING OUT, to promote the development, production and distribution of dance in new spaces. Applicants may not submit a funding application for an identical project in more than one of the programmes.
With the two-part support programme DIS-TANZEN – a promotion programme for freelance creative-dance artists DIS-TANZ-SOLO as well as impulse funding for dance schools and dance education in cultural institutions DIS-TANZ-IMPULS, the Umbrella Association for Dance in Germany is supporting the resumption of artistic and dance-education activities. A special focus here is on the development and testing of new forms of artistic and dance-education or dance-transfer work. The aim of DIS-TANZEN is to strengthen individual dance actors in the future and to generate innovative examples and models for the dance scene as a whole.
With the special call for applications for TANZPAKT RECONNECT, Diehl+Ritter is supporting the preservation and reinforcement of professional dance-practice structures that have been negatively impacted by the Corona crisis. The programme reflects the criteria and funding priorities of the TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund (DANCE PACT Local-Regional-National) initiative but has simplified application criteria. The aim of the €6 million emergency programme is to create the necessary conditions for the continued development of artistic quality, the assurance of planning security and the achievement of sustainable synergy effects, and thereby maintain dance’s social potency both during and after the crisis. Cultural-political support is provided by the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (Umbrella Association for Dance in Germany).
Additional information about TANZPAKT RECONNECT is available here.
Through the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK, Joint Adventures has been promoting guest performances and co-productions realised on the basis of national co-operation within familiar structures, such as festivals and theatres, since 1999. Due to the Corona crisis, these presentation paths are only accessible to a limited extent. The special call for applications for NPN - STEPPING OUT will thus create new working and presentation opportunities in the dance and performance sector that can be planned and/or implemented in the near future and which facilitate alternative artistic practices. NPN - STEPPING OUT will open up non-theatre, media and digital public space, as well as performative stage areas and action fields that have yet to be thought up, invented or discovered. The terms ‘liveness’ and ‘interaction’, genuine determinants of dance as an art form as well as its production and investigation in the analogue, media and digital space, will serve as possible research directions.
Further information about NPN - STEPPING OUT is available here.