DIS-TANZEN ends - we continue!

With 30.06.2023, the Corona aid programme NEUSTART KULTUR and with it the support programme DIS-TANZEN will expire and come to an end.

But it will continue! With a number of events on the topic of funding and other current issues that move the scene, we cordially invite you, grant holders and the dance scene, to a joint exchange, discussion rounds and active formats.

DIS-TANZEN offered the unique opportunity to get in touch with so many of you within the framework of the funding and we would like to stay that way. That is why it is important to us to continue the exchange on your topics and questions. 


August 2023 | Thematic survey among grant holders
26. september 2023 | 5.30pm to7pm | Online event via Zoom
13./14. october 2023 | 12pm | Worhskop in the framework of Barcamp23
19. october | Survey among the grant holders on funding as part of the evaluation of DIS-TANZEN
january 2024 | DIS-TANZEN evaluation - Review and outlook | Online event via Zoom
17 April 2024 | Forum Berufseinstieg #2 together eith DIS-TANZ-START


26. September 2023 | 5.30pm to 7pm | online-event

Designing funding and jury procedures - an open exchange

on 26 September 2023 from 5.30pm. to 7pm via Zoom
moderated by Tessa Hart; with Raphael Moussa Hillebrand, Anne Rieger and Susanne Stephani.

What questions arise in jury work? What criteria are used to read and evaluate project proposals? What information is important in the application? 

The authors and jury members of the online publication „Designing funding and jury procedures with a focus on discrimination-sensitive implementation and using the DIS-TANZ-SOLO support programme as a practical example“ will be talking to Tessa Hart about these and other questions in an online event. Afterwards, we invite you to join us for joint discussions in breakout sessions and in plenary. We are interested in: What do you think? Where do you see opportunities? Where are the difficulties? Where can funding procedures develop?

We want to give space for a common discussion in the scene and are looking forward to the exchange!

The event will be held in German, questions and discussions in English are welcome, and there will also be the option of automated translated subtitles.

The event is in the past and registration is closed.  Eine schriftliche Zusammenfassung der Veranstaltung finden Sie auf unserer Website.

13./14. Oktober 2023 | Barcamp23 in Essen

Let's be creative - your dream application form

What would your dream application form look like - from your point of view as an applicant, as a jury member, as a funding organisation? What information do you want to give to the juries so that they can evaluate your applications in a differentiated way? What information do you need as a jury member to be able to assess applications fairly? What hard facts does the funding institution need? What should be asked - and what is better not to ask? Which tools and formats should be used?

Together, we will model our own application forms in 45 minutes and discuss in mixed groups - from the perspective of the grant holders, the funding institutions and the jury members - how applications could be made more accessible and inclusive for all.

Information on Barcamp23 and registration can be found here.

*The format is based on the reflection paper produced by members of the DIS-TANZ-SOLO jury on a discrimination-sensitive implementation of jury and funding procedures.