Vom 8. bis zum 10. Juli 2022 fand in der Malzfabrik in Berlin das DIS-TANZEN Festival statt. Geförderte aus beiden Teilprogrammen DIS-TANZ-SOLO und DIS-TANZ-IMPULS präsentierten ihre Erkenntnisse, Recherchen und Performances, die durch die Förderung ermöglicht wurden.
Am vergangenen Wochenende veranstaltete der Dachverband Tanz Deutschland ein Festival, das die im Förderprogramm DIS-TANZEN entstandenen Projekte präsentierte und sich neben dem Rückblick auch den Fragen über zukünftige Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten widmete. Über 200 durch DIS-TANZEN geförderte Tanzschaffende kamen in der Malzfabrik in Berlin zusammen, um sich zu ihren geförderten Projekten und ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit innerhalb der vergangenen beiden Jahre auszutauschen, Resümee zu ziehen und von den Erkenntnissen und Ergebnissen der anderen im gemeinsamen Austausch zu profitieren.
Das Festival beinhaltete ausschließlich von Geförderten gestaltete Formate, woraus ein vielseitiges und spannendes Programm entstand: neben zahlreichen Sharing Sessions und Gesprächsrunden begegneten sich die Teilnehmenden auch tanzend und aktiv in verschiedenen Workshopformaten. Außerdem wurden im Rahmen der Förderung entstandene Performances und Videos an zwei Abenden dem gesamten Publikum präsentiert. Begleitet wurden die Formate durch eine zweitägige Ausstellung von Film- und Fotoprojekten.
Im Mittelpunkt des Festivals standen dabei die Wertschätzung der Arbeit der Künstler*innen und das Sharing als Möglichkeit über die eigene Arbeit zu sprechen, womit den Entwicklungsprozessen und den sehr vielfältigen Ergebnissen Raum gegeben werden konnte.
Am Freitag stand zudem ein Austausch zu kulturpolitischen Fragen auf dem Programm, der die Diskussion auf die Erkenntnisse des Förderprogramms und Möglichkeiten für zukünftige Förderprogramme lenkte. Moderiert von Michael Freundt kamen dabei Geförderte, Jurymitglieder sowie Vertreter*innen der Kulturpolitik miteinander ins Gespräch.
1,300 funded projects have already been completed, another 750 are currently in the process. After more than two years of pandemic and aid programmes, it is time to take stock - to take stock of the diversity of funded projects in the DIS-TANZEN programme!
The umbrella organisation Tanz Deutschland invites funding recipients from both sub-programmes of DIS-TANZEN to a joint festival - full of encounters, exchange, workshops, performances and time for networking.
The DIS-TANZEN Festival is a retrospective and at the same time an outlook into the future! For what has emerged in these last two years shows not only the diversity of artistic creation in the field of dance, but also the need to develop new forms of work, to revise existing funding concepts and to create new ones, and thus to continue to actively strengthen culture and especially dance, even in post-pandemic times. But there is one thing we want to do after this busy period: pause and look at the exciting projects that have come about thanks to DIS-TANZEN funding.
We have planned workshops for those who have received funding, as well as expert workshops to delve deeper into project topics with you and create new input; pitching sessions for project presentations, joint discussion rounds, thought walls, performance evenings with excerpts from projects and last but not least - space and time to finally meet each other live!
The festival is from 08.07. to 10.07.2022. There is the possibility to either visit the event as a guest or to present your project as a funded person/speaker. To do so, you need to fill out an application; an agile programme curatorium consisting of some jury members from the application rounds and members of the DIS-TANZEN team of the DTD will make the selection.
The deadline for submitting projects is 31.03.2022.
We are looking forward to meeting you live!
08 July to 10 July 2022
At the Malzfabrik in Berlin, Bessemerstrasse 2-14, 12103 Berlin
From us for you!
You will receive the invitation by e-mail. Unfortunately, only invited guest can attend.
Only (former) participants of the funding programme DIS-TANZEN can take part. We ask for your understanding that, due to the large number of funded participants, the events cannot be opened to other guests for the time being and that the number of visitors to the festival is limited.
DIS-TANZEN supporters and all those involved in the funding programme (supporters, jury members, staff).
You can participate as a speaker, artist or as a guest/participant.
You can submit as a speaker or artist starting 3rd of march 2022. Please use the online form.
The deadline for submitting a project is 31.03.2022.
You can find more information on the respective formats here.
Our programme committee, consisting of a committed team of jury members from the application rounds and DIS-TANZEN staff, will put together a diverse and interesting programme for you.
The slots are limited to a total of approx. 65 to max. 73 slots.
(Friday: 32 to max. 36 slots, Saturday: 32 to max 36 slots, Sunday:1 slot)
The following questions will help you to figure out, if you could contribute something:
Can you share knowledge that you gained during your project as input with other artists?
Have you researched something within the framework of DIS-TANZEN that is worth discussing together or you would like to present your performance at the festival?
Can you offer a workshop that you developed out of or that is based on theproject that you got you got funding?
If you can answer one or more questions with yes we would be excited to here from you and see what you would like to present at the festival.
You can register as a guest via an online form starting approximately from the beginning of may 2022.
Unfortunately, we can’t cover the costs for travel and accommodation, , but we do our best to take care of for food and drinks.
Travel expenses for speakers/artists are covered in accordance with the BRKG.
Then you are welcome to register as a guest later.
Hotel Berlin the niu Dwarf | Design-Hotel Berlin | the niu
Hotel Berliner Bär - WILLKOMMEN (hotel-berliner-baer.de)
another favourable and affordable option would be:
Zentrales Hotel in Neukölln Motel Plus Berlin GmbH & Co KG (motelplus-berlin.de)
Booking is made for guests on their own initiative directly with the hotel.
If you can't be there, no problem! We are looking forward to your contribution to our funded blog exisdance, where you can present your project!
We will document the festival. A video documentation will be available to the public afterwards on our website.