The Factual Report should be one-to-two DIN A4 pages in length.
Please use this template:
The Factual Report includes:
- A quantitative assessment:
Under of your funding contract, a number of months of you being your project’s grant holder was set as a quantitative aim. Give the planned and actual months spent on your project.
If you stated additional indicators in the project description underlying your funding contract as Appendix 1, compare these plans numerically with the aims you achieved. (Possible indicators include the number of video recordings, presentations, or similar).
- A qualitative assessment of your results:
Were you able to achieve your project aims as planned? What outcomes were achieved? Or did you, or did you have to, make adjustments during the course of the project – because external conditions had changed, for example? Give reasons for your procedures with regard to your project aims.
- The explanation of the need for, and appropriateness of, the work carried out.
- The closing statement of the Factual Report must be formulated as follows:
“I hereby confirm that the expenses of the project were necessary, that the funding was used efficiently and economically, and that the information provided matches the books and receipts.”
(Ich bestätige hiermit, dass die Ausgaben notwendig waren, dass wirtschaftlich und sparsam verfahren worden ist und die Angaben mit den Büchern und den Belegen übereinstimmen.)